Admin’s Basic Registration Approval Checklist

Here is a basic list of things Area Admins may want to review when approving registrations.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but simply a reference resource.

REMINDER: Special Functions Vivace Already Does Automatically

  • During registration, Vivace checks that all Bulletin rules progressions are followed.
  • During registration, Vivace checks that a non-American composer has been selected for Piano Solo Class E1 and higher.
  • During registration, Vivace checks the same/different composer rule according to the event.
    NOTE: For the most part, Vivace disallows the same composer for both the Required and Choice Piece. Exceptions to this rule are permitted in some events, however. The specific events are clearly stated in the Bulletin under General Rules.


Special Items You May Want to Review

  • For Lynn Freeman Olson event registrations: check the progression if alternating with the Piano Solo event. Vivace is not yet programmed to check this.

  • Pay special attention in concerto, alternating, and combining events. Was the appropriate alternate? or combine? box checked?


  • Confirm minimum measures requirement met for Choice Piece. Use whatever procedure (basic or highly detailed) that suits your Area for this process.


  • Check same level of musicianship between Required and Choice Piece. Use whatever procedure (basic or highly detailed) that suits your Area for this process.


  • Look over Scheduling Notes (if any) to confirm the information submitted is in the requested format.
    Ex.: AM earliest time, or PM latest time. Simple entries will be easier to sort when scheduling.
    Ex.: List sibling’s last name, then all first names. (Spurgeon: Lori, Jan, Suzanne) Consistent format = easier sorting.
    Ex.: If an event is accompanied, check to see if accompanist’s name is entered.


  • (optional) Check capitalization of Choice Piece title.


  • If multi-movement Choice Piece, check if the movement is specified.


  • If indicated, check to make sure the Choice Piece is not listed in the Bulletin.


  • Check that the Choice Piece composer is not listed as "Anonymous" or "Unknown" per the Bulletin general rules.

  • For Piano Solo, check to make sure the Choice Piece is not an abridgment, arrangement, folk song, or hymn.