Creating an Email Address for a Teacher

Please follow this procedure for any teacher who is unable to have an email address.

  • The Festival Area Admin will:
    a) submit a request to the National Admin to set up an email address for the teacher
    b) inform the National Admin of the respondent’s email address (most likely the Festival Area Admin).
  • The Festival Area Admin will include in the request:
    a) first and last name of the teacher
    b) email address of the Area Admin
    c) state
    d) Festival Area
  • The National Admin will submit the request to IT Indiana.
  • IT Indiana will create an email address
    (e.g. and set up all emails to go to the respondent (Festival Area Admin).
  • IT Indiana will inform the National Admin, by email, of the new email address.
  • The National Admin will inform the Festival Admin, by email, of the new address.
  • After the email is received, the Festival Admin will activate the teacher in the system following the “Adding a Teacher” procedure.
  • The Festival Area Admin will receive the teacher's emails and will print and give (or mail them) to the teacher.
  • If the respondent retires from the Festival Area Admin role, the new Festival Area Admin will submit a request to the National Admin to set up the new respondent’s email address.