Frequently Asked Questions

For All Users | For Teachers | For Festival/Area Admins and State Admins

All Users

What device and browser should I use?
Please be aware that the new system (Vivace) needs to be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer. While you may be able to log in on your phone or tablet and even look at a few pages, please know that Vivace is not configured to process the massive database and rules functions on these devices (or scanners for scanning ratings).  Trying to work in Vivace by these means will affect what you see on the screen and many functions may not be available.

Use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari as your web browser. Safari (Mac) has a known issue of displaying military time in the scheduling module, so if you prefer Safari as your default browser, you will need to switch to Chrome or Firefox during the scheduling process. Do not use Safari.


Is there an overview or timeline for Festival?
Yes! Let us help you take the mystery out of the Festival experience! Take a look at the new AT-A-GLANCE Festival Timeline and Who Can Do What document. It is a quick overview of the timeline and which tasks everyone should/can do. Click here to see (and download) the document.


How can I enable the pop-up function to allow my computer to access features on the Vivace website?
Most web browsers include a feature to block pop-up windows. This eliminates unwanted or bothersome pop-up windows. However, you will want to enable the feature for Vivace in order to download rating sheets, reports, schedules, etc.

Here's how . . . Perform a search in your browser address bar by typing “How do I enable pop-ups in . . .” (Chrome, Firefox or Safari) “ for ___” (type PC or Mac). Also, searching the support pages for your browser will yield the most current information. 
Remember, on some systems, you literally must type in the Vivace site under “Privacy and Security” OR “Preferences” settings. Just allowing cookies or pop-ups may not be enough.

After enabling pop-ups, review "How can I download, read, and print PDF rating sheets, reports, and schedules?" in the Teachers section below. Click here for the Teachers section.


How do I take a screen shot?
There are a number of ways to take a screen shot. The method and the location where the shot is saved varies according to your Mac or PC brand and model. If you are uncertain, click here to research for your particular computer.


What if Search or Find stops functioning in Vivace?
When the search function does not work, clear the browser cache for that page only by holding down Shift and clicking Refresh (refresh icon 4).


What if something does not function or items do not appear on the screen?
Contact your Festival/Area Admin and 1) tell if you are using a Mac or PC, and 2) which browser you are using.


How can I search text on a web page?
You can search any text on any web page by entering  Ctrl-F (PC) or Cmd-F (Mac). Then, type the text in the little box that appears on the screen. Voilà! See the text instantly highlighted everywhere it appears on that page.

(return to Support Center)


How do I see all of my Festival registrations?
From the Homepage, click Festivals. In the Action column, click the Performances List icon. You will now be able to see and check your entries. Remember, the columns can be sorted, so you can check your registrations with a variety of criteria.


What if I accidentally choose the wrong instrument when adding a new student?
First, archive the student with the incorrect instrument. Then, add the student with the correct instrument.


What if I can't find a composer?
There are a few tricks which will help you quickly find composers, titles and names—especially those with diacritical/accent marks. Complete the steps on this link first before contacting your Festival Area Admin. 


Why can I not find a hyphenated name?
Perhaps you accidently entered a space. When you enter the name in the Search field, do not include a space on either side of the hyphen. EX:  Hershey-Mayfield


What if I have trouble finding what I want when I search?
Less is best! See why and how.


What if I notice an error in an unapproved registration?
You may edit any unapproved registration (pieces, durations, etc) by clicking the edit icon.


What if I notice an error in an approved registration?
You will need to contact your Festival/Area Admin to correct an error in an approved registration (pieces, durations, etc) .


How do I delete a registration?
You may delete a registration by clicking the red trash can icon.
The 6-step, easy solution is found in the Teacher Guide and below.
Reminder: if an approved registration needs to be deleted, you will need to contact your Festival/Area Admin.

  • Click the Students tab to see your list of students.
  • To the right of the student’s name, click the Go to Performance icon in the Action column.
  • See Registered in the Status column for that student.
  • Click the Edit icon to make changes and Save.
  • To delete a registration before it has been approved, click the Trash Can icon.
  • If an approved registration needs to be deleted, you will need to contact your Festival/Area Admin.


How do I enter a Theory Event registration?
Scenario 1: Theory students are typically registered for festivals through their instrument (Instrument>Musicianship>Theory), so it is not essential to establish a separate Theory relationship.
Scenario 2: If the student will only participate in the Theory Event, select Musicianship>Theory as their instrument when registering.
Review the Teacher Guide, Section II, D. REGISTRATION—Registering a Theory Event for the easy process.


How can I enter the school grade when the "combine" option is selected during a concerto registration?
The school grade field automatically displays when the option to "combine events" is selected during a concerto registration. Enter the student's current school grade in the field.


Why is the entire bar code not printing on my Rating Sheets?
To insure the bar code prints on Rating Sheets, be sure to test print first! If the bar code does not fully print, adjust the scaling settings in your print dialogue window.


When I print a Rating Sheet for a duet or other ensemble, will both (or all) students registered be listed on the Rating Sheet?
Yes, Vivace prints all registered ensemble students on the Rating Sheet.
When a rating is entered (via scanner or manually), Vivace also automatically enters the rating for the other partner(s) in that event.
Grades are not visible on the Student History Report, until all the Festival's ratings are certified.
Grades are visible to the Festival Admin before certification.


How can I schedule Theory Event students and see a report?
Registrations for the Theory Event must be approved, but they are not scheduled. You will be able to see all approved registrations on the Theory Event Register report found in the Report listings.


How can I download, read, and print PDF rating sheets, reports, and schedules?

  • First, enable pop-ups for as described above. 
  • Then, download the free reader at (Uncheck the McAfee "Optional Offers" if you do not wish to install the McAfee utility.)
  • Now, you are ready to read documents by clicking the Adobe icon associated with all help documentation, rating sheets, reports, and schedules.
  • You may a) print these documents directly from the Adobe PDF menu, or b) click the download arrow, save to your computer, then print.

(return to Support Center)

Festival/Area Admins & State Admins

What if the "approve" button stops working or disappears when I try to approve registrations?
Adjusting your screen magnification higher or lower will fix this! (Reminder: You cannot approve your own students. :) )


How can I add the the second Admin of my Festival Area?
For security reasons, only the State Admin has the permission to add the second Festival Area Admin.


What if I am a MAC user and the Scheduling Module is not displaying correctly?
MAC users should use Chrome or Firefox browsers in order for Vivace to display correctly in the Scheduling Module.


How can I archive a student's relationship with a teacher from another Area?
When a student from a different Festival Area needs to be archived, Admins are able to see the previous teacher's name.


How can I edit or delete a registration?
You may edit a registration (pieces, durations, etc.) by clicking the edit icon.
You may edit an approved registration (Festival review, click the magnifying glass icon, make changes, save) or delete (click red trash can icon).


What do I do with a registered student who cancels/withdraws from a Festival?
Do NOT delete the student from the Festival schedule or archive in Vivace pre-Festival!
(HINT: Placing a student in a special “Cancellations room” you have created in the Scheduling Module—before you compile the schedule!—will avoid having the student appear on room lists, etc.)  
Following Festival, enter an NR rating; add “cancelled” in the comment field if desired.
Vivace JR 3-3 and JR 3-4 reports are correctly programmed to not include non-performing students. Additionally, your state or NFMC fees will not be calculated or included.


When pre-scheduling, the times display is in military time (Admins using MAC and Safari). Can I change this?
This is a browser issue. We suggest you change to Chrome or Firefox, preferably Firefox.


How can I schedule Theory Event students and see a report?
Registrations for the Theory Event must be approved, but they are not scheduled. You will see all approved registrations on the Theory Event Register report found in the Report listings after your schedule is complete.


What if the little Approved or Non-approved buttons stop responding when I am working on registrations?
If this happens, set your browser magnification a little lower to resume the function of these buttons.
Google “browser magnification” to learn how to do this on your computer (Mac or PC) and your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). If the problem persists, contact your State Admin or your computer-savvy student.


How do I check a publisher when approving registrations?
Simply click the edit icon to see the complete registration.


Can Reviewers approve or not approve registrations?
Yes, they may approve or not approve registrations and send emails (from within the system) for unapproved registrations.

When can I send teachers their invoice?

Invoices may be generated after all registrations are approved.

Do Reviewers have permission to enter ratings?

Only the two people assigned as Area Administrators (and Raters) have the ability to enter ratings after a Festival. NOTE: Only the State Festival chair has permission to assign Festival/Area Administrators.


Can the same person enter ratings in Pass 1 and Pass 2?
The preferred method of entry is for Pass 1 to be completed by a different person than Pass 2. Since Reviewers are not at the permission level to enter ratings, this requires that there be two Area Admins.
Reminder: Only the State Admin can add the second Festival Admin.
It is acceptable for one Admin to enter the ratings for the other Admin's students in both Pass 1 and 2.


What barcode scanner is recommended for recording ratings?
Click here for barcode scanner/reader recommendations. (A barcode scanner/reader can be used to enter performance ratings in the system.)


Why aren't my reports downloading?
Read the next answer below.


How can I download and print PDFs?
MAC Users:
Click here for  instructions to enable pop-ups and select the download location in each recommended browser. Print following the download.
Windows Users:
Enable pop-ups so that you can download PDFs. In order to read and print the help documentation, download the free Adobe reader at
NOTE: Uncheck the McAfee "Optional Offers" if you do not wish to install the McAfee utility.
To print: print directly from the Adobe PDF menu or download and print.


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